蒋楠 明清国家与海外侨社——民间文献所见的长崎华侨社会





华侨大学 蒋楠


摘  要  明清时期,“国权不下县”的治理方式令基层社会惯于自我管理,社会结构和各种社会组织均与之相适应。长崎侨社形成于明末清初,本土的这套自治方式也深刻影响了海外侨社,神庙组织、会馆公所等自治方式。这套自治体系令侨社与中国乡土社会有更紧密的联系,比起因容易政治化而遭到所在国政府抵制的近代华侨社团,它们的生命力更加顽强。

关键词  日本华侨 长崎 明清中国 基层自治 离散社区

The Ming and Qing State and Overseas Chinese Society

——The Nagasaki Overseas Chinese Society Based on Folk Literature

Jiang Nan

(HuaQiao University)

Abstract: The overseas Chinese community in Nagasaki was formed in the 17th century, when the autonomous way of grass-roots community organizations characterized by traditional Chinese "culture nexus of power" had a profound impact on overseas Chinese Society, and the autonomous ways, such as deity worship association and consolidated benevolent association, could achieved self management and the heritage of Chinese cultural. Though the nationalism and Chinese education attached importance to in modern times were more easily affected by political instability, traditional autonomous organization in maintaining cultural heritage had more vitality.

Keywords: Overseas Chinese in Japan; Nagasaki; Late Imperial China; Grassroots Autonomy; Diasporas


中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China