赵翀 罗晶 抗战时期国共争夺琼侨总会回乡服务团领导权的博弈



武汉大学 赵翀 罗晶


摘 要 在琼崖抗战中,琼籍华侨始终扮演着重要角色。作为一支有组织的民间力量琼崖华侨联合总会回乡服务团,肩负着对琼崖抗战极为有益的慰劳、宣传、医疗救护等工作,因而引起国共双方对其领导权的争夺。这种争夺从服务团前身即琼崖商会回乡服务团开始延续到服务团成立、返琼、改编,其经历了从中立到受制倾向国民党,再到倾向中共、倒向中共,最终融入中共的过程。在此期间,由于国民党的抗战政策逐渐与服务团身处的抗战实践脱节,加之国民党琼崖当局争夺策略失误导致了其与服务团上级机构——琼崖华侨联合总会的关系破裂,国民党在这场关于服务团领导权的争夺中的优势地位渐渐被政策上更具吸引力、策略上更具灵活性的中共取代并最终归于彻底的失败。国民党的失败不是偶然的,比对国共双方在琼崖抗战中的不同抗战政策和抗战实践,以此来揭示琼侨在抗战中与国共互动的多重面相和还原中共成功夺取其领导权的立体图景。

关键词 琼崖抗战 服务团 领导权 国共争夺


Game of Leadership Between the CPC and KMT

of Home Serving Group of Qiongya Overseas Chinese Union During the Anti-Japanese War

Zhao Chong, Luo Jing

Wuhan University

Abstracct: The overseas Hainanese plays an important role in Qiongya anti-Japanese war.As an organized folk force, the Homecoming Service Group of General Assembly of Qiongya Overseas Chinese Union undertook the consolation, publicity and medical aid etc, which were beneficial to Qiongya anti-Japanese war.Hence, its leadership was scrambled by KMT and CPC.The scramble started from the foundation of Homecoming Service Group of Qiongya commerce,intensified with the development of Homecoming Service Group of Qiongya Overseas Chinese Union.During the Foundation,Returning and Redesignation Period,its political standpoint had changed gradually from neutral position eventually to one side down to CPC because of two mian reasons:The policy of KMT was disconnected from the practice of CPC;further, the tactical blunder of KMT Qiongya authority led to the relationship breakdown between higher authority of Service Group and General Assembly of Qiongya Overseas Chinese.Simultaneously,due to the more attractive policy and tactics of CPC,KMT encountered a complete failure in the scramble for leadership of Service Group.This process and results were not occasional. Instead, it was determined by different anti-Japanese war policies and practices of KMT and CPC.

Keywords: Qiongya Anti-Japanese War; Homecoming Service Group; Game of Leadership Between the CPC and KMT




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