崔彦 马来语中的汉语借词研究综述


摘要 马来语是马来西亚的国语。在它的形成与发展过程中,吸收了大量的外语借词,其中包括汉语借词。这些汉语借词大多数来自闽南语,少量来自客语、粤语和普通话。汉语借词进入马来语之后,失掉了汉语原有的声调,在语音、词义等方面都有变化。早在1891年,学者们就开始关注马来语中的汉语借词。本文根据目前所见的研究成果做一综述,主要包括汉语借词的数量、类别、音系特点、词义特点以及产生原因等。

关键词 马来语 汉语 借词

An Overview of the Study on Chinese Loanwords in Malay

By Cui Yan

Xingyi Normal University

AbstractMalay is the national language of Malaysia. During its formation and development, it has absorbed a large number of foreign language loanwords including Chinese ones. Most of these Chinese loanwords are from Hokkien, and a few are from Hakka, Cantonese and Mandarin. These Chinese loanwords lost their original tone of the Chinese language after being absorbed into Malay,and changed in terms of pronunciation and meaning. As early as 1891, scholars began to pay attention to Chinese loanwords in Malay. Based on the Chinese loanwords research results we have read so far, this paper aims to make a summary, including the Chinese loanwords on its number, categories, phonological characteristics, semantic characteristics and the reasons for borrowing.

Keywords: Malay; Chinese; Loanwords


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