曹淑瑶 张晓威 二战后英属婆罗洲的华文教育政策



台湾东海大学 曹淑瑶  马来西亚拉曼大学 张晓威

摘 要: 因应二战后的局势,英殖民政权计划以津贴方式加予监控英属婆罗洲华文中学,进而先规定接受津贴的中学须限制入学学额,后又要求这些津贴中学须以英语文取代华语文为教学媒介。由于英属婆罗洲三邦华族社会的形成与历史经验上的差异,导致他们对英殖民政权英语化政策的反应,产生异同。最终,华族社会在面临民族文化的传承与失学子弟的就学问题上,选择自立办学的道路。

关键词:二战后 英属婆罗洲 华文教育政策

The Chinese Education policy in the Post-war British Borneo, 1946-63

Shu-yao Tsao

Tunghai University

Siou Wei Chong

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman


AbstractTo adjust the international situations, the British Borneo planned to control the Chinese secondary schools through the financial aids after the World War II. The Chinese secondary schools with government aids were asked to limit the number of the admissions and to change the instruction media from Chinese into English. In order to allow those students who could not enter into the government aided schools, some local Chinese societies in Sarawak and Sabah created the independent secondary schools.

Key words: Post WWIIBritish BorneoChinese Education Policy

中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China