石沧金 广东侨乡和海外华侨华人的金花夫人信仰考察



暨南大学 石沧金

摘 要 广东金花夫人信仰的兴盛时期在明清两个朝代,此后逐渐走向衰落。粤籍华侨华人尤其是珠三角移民将金花夫人信仰带到了海外聚居地。在海外,供奉金花夫人的庙宇是在19世纪中后期陆续创建的,明显晚于广东地区的金花庙。而且,以金花夫人为主神的庙宇很少,华侨华人大多是将金花夫人作为陪祀神敬奉的,并且往往和其他许多女性神明一起奉祀。在海外,奉祀金花夫人的庙宇一般上属于粤籍华侨华人经管,但也有其他帮群(方言群)华侨华人的庙宇供奉金花夫人。尽管都已呈衰落之势,但广东金花夫人信仰的发展仍然出现了不同于海外华社的趋向。

关键词 广东 华侨华人 金花夫人信仰

A Study on the Ms. Jin Hua Faith Both in Guangdong and Overseas Chinese Society

By Shi Cangjin

Jinan University

Abstract: The flourishing period of the Ms. Jin Hua faith was in Ming and Qing dynasties, then it had gradually declined. The Ms. Jin Hua faith was spread in the settlements by Overseas Cantonese, especially the immigrants from the Pearl River Delta. In Overseas Chinese Society, the temples dedicated to the Ms. Jin Hua faith had been created since the late 19th century. The time was significantly more later than the Jinhua Temples in Guangdong. Moreover, the temples mainly worshiped the Ms. Jin Hua faith were very few. Overseas Chinese were mostly accompanied the Ms. Jin Hua faith with other immortals, and often with many other female immortals together. In Overseas Chinese Society, the temples of the Ms. Jin Hua faith are generally owned by Cantonese, but a few of them owned by the other dialect groups.The development of the Ms. Jin Hua faith in Guangdong is still obviously different from the trend of the Ms. Jin Hua faith in Overseas Chinese society.

Keywords: Guangdong; Overseas Chinese Society; the Ms. Jin Hua faith

中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China