摘要 :本文以加拿大萨斯卡通市的华人杂货店为研究对象,考察了它们在新冠肺炎疫情期间为应对经营困难所采取的策略及发展过程。研究发现,华人杂货店的多重嵌入性在其防疫和抗疫过程中发挥了重要作用,其中文化嵌入性在疫情初期提供了可选择的防疫措施,网络嵌入性在疫情前后助其开拓客源,而制度嵌入性则在疫情期间帮助其吸引客流。论文还就族裔经济理论的相关内容展开讨论,并指出族群网络嵌入性对少数族裔经济有着复杂影响。
关键词:族裔经济 嵌入性 加拿大华人 杂货店 新冠肺炎疫情
Multiple Embeddedness and Crisis Response under the Multi - Cultural Background: A Study of the Chinese Grocery Stores in Canada During the COVID - 19 Epidemic
Wang Jiashun
Abstract: Through the research on Chinese grocery stores in Saskatoon, Canada, this paper describes and analyzes their strategies and development process in response to the management difficulties during the COVID - 19 pandemic. The study finds that multiple embeddedness of Chinese grocery stores played an important role in their prevention of outbreak and anti-epidemic processes, among which cutural embeddedness provided alternative measures of prevention of outbreak at the beginning of the pandemic, embeddedness of social network helped them expand their customer sources before and after the pandemic, and embeddedness of institution helped them attract customers during the pandemic. Combined with the research findings, this paper also discusses the relevant content of ethnic economic theory, and points out that embeddedness of ethnic network has a complex impact on the minority ethnic economy.
Keywords: Ethnic Economy; Embeddedness; Canadian Chinese; Grocery Stores; COVID - 19 Epidemic