2 陈汉初 契约华工文献解读:从《外国音书》讲起




广东省人民政府文史研究馆 陈汉初*


    粤东潮州会馆藏板”、“学院前街宝翰楼” 刊刷于清光绪九年(1883)的《外国音书》,是一本在古巴埠的潮州府属契约华工(俗称“猪仔”)花名册。本文在对《外国音书》版本形态、成书过程、内容信息进行梳理的基础上,以《外国音书》所载的饶平人张香为案例,通过对张香契约文本的整理与解读,说明契约华工的遭遇与下落;进而以清末汕头《岭东日报》为主要材料,分析“猪仔”一词的由来,介绍贩卖妇女、儿童的历史现象,讨论清政府官员、地方绅商阶层对于契约华工问题的看法与作为。

关键词  契约华工 外国音书 潮州 古巴 华侨


Interpretation of Contract Labors Documents

----A Preliminary Study of a Directory of Overseas Chinese Labors


Chen Hanchu

(Guangdong Provincial Research Institute of Culture and History)

Abatract Directory of Overseas Chinese Labors is a roll of the contract labors (piglets) in Cuba from Chaozhou Prefecture of Qing Dynasty which issued at 1883. This paper teases out the version form, procedure, content of the book then unscrambles and analyse Zhangxiangs contract, on the basis of which the paper narrates the stories of the miserable sufferings of the contract labors. Then this paper, based on the Shantous Lingdong Daily which was published in the late Qing Dynasty, analyses the origin of the word piglets, the human trafficking problem and the gentrys attitude to contract labors.

Keywords: Contract laborDirectory of Overseas Chinese LaborsChaozhouCubaOverseas Chinese




中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China