4 黄海德 饶宗颐先生《星马华文碑刻系年(纪略)》之学术价值管窥



华侨大学 黄海德*



关键词 饶宗颐  新马地区  华文碑刻  《星马华文碑刻系年》



Study on Academic Value of Jao tsung-I’s Annals of Chinese Inscriptions in Singapore and Malaya”


Huang Hai-de

(Huaqiao University)


Abstract: The Chinese religious inscriptions in Singapore and Malaya have important academic value for the study on overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, however, the society and academics didn’t attach importance to them because of various objective reasons in the first half of twentieth Century. Until 1960s, Professor Jao tsung-I inherited dual attestation, the humanistic academic tradition which is started by Wang Guowei. Jao tsung-I considers that the inscriptions are the most reliable historical materials on the study of Society and history of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, therefore he collected Chinese inscriptions in Singapore and Malaya and wrote a book entitled Annals of Chinese Inscriptions in Singapore and Malaya”. This book adds precious materials of inscriptions to the study on the history and culture of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, but also opens up new horizons for the study on Nanzhong Epigraphy. Whats more, Jao tsung-I uses the Chinese inscriptions which he collected, to make a value of academic research and study on the history, religious, corporation, language, education, economic and cultural inheritance of overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaya. His research and study opens up the study on overseas Chinese inscriptions, it is important academic achievements in the study of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.

Keywords: Jao tsung-I; Singapore and Malaya; Chinese inscriptions; Annals of Chinese Inscriptions in Singapore and Malaya”


中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China