陈春声 侨批档案对中国区域社会史研究的挑战





(中山大学,广东 广州)



关键词:侨批档案  中国区域社会史研究  挑战


Overseas Remittance letters

Challenges to the Studies of Regional Social History in China


Chen Chunsheng

Sun Yat-sen UniversityChina


AbstractThe discovery and utilization of Overseas Remittance letters have made great contributions to the studies of regional social history in China. Howeverdevelopment and challenges coexist. The application of Overseas Remittance letter raises three major challenges to the studies of regional social history in China: the first challenge is how to interpret and understand the Overseas Remittance letters from the perspective of the folk historical philology, the second one is how to narrate the life of ordinary people in a meaningful way, and the last challenge is how the Overseas Remittance studies respond to the core issues of historical studies, which is what contributions can be made to the studies of institutional history.

Key Words:Overseas Remittance letters ;Studies of Regional Social History in China; Challenges



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