郑炜明 陈玉莹 敦煌曲子词《怨春闺》研究:从伯2748号卷子上的一条裂痕重新出发




香港大学饶宗颐学术馆 郑炜明

自由学者 陈玉莹

摘 要 敦煌曲子词《怨春闺》自为饶师宗颐先生发现以来,至今已近半世纪,然除饶先生、任半塘先生、林玫仪先生等前辈学者曾予以关注及研究之外,向未为词学研究者所重视,致使其中许多问题迄未厘清,殊为可惜。笔者遂踵美前贤,拟循物质文化研究及古代文献学之方法,重新考察此词之写作或抄写年代问题,进行文字、词汇等之校录与再确认,并就词作之思想内容与格律等等作出笺释,以作较全面之综合研究与评议。

关键词 敦煌曲子词 怨春闺 2748 饶宗颐 《敦煌曲》 任半塘 《敦煌歌辞总编》

The Dunhuang Ci-Poem Yuan Chun Gui:

A Restudy Starting from a Crack on the P.2748

Cheng Wai-ming

(Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong Scroll)

Chan Yuk-ying

(Independent Scholar)

Abstract: The Dunhuang Ci-poem Yuan Chun Gui written on the back of the scroll P. 2748 was firstly discovered by Prof. Jao Tsung-i in the 1960s-1970s, who gave no clear periodization to the piece yet dated Si Yue Ren, another Ci-poem inscribed on the scroll to 923AD. Since then, little attention has paid to the Ci-poem except that Mr. Ren Ban-tang’s strong criticism against Prof. Jao’s periodization of the two Ci-poems. This article is therefore to have a comprehensive restudy of the Ci-poem Yuan Chun Gui starting from a crack found on the scroll, which leads to the conclusion that Prof. Jao rather than Mr. Ren is right. The text is then re-investigated with textual criticism approach and metrical studies. A new commentary annotation to the Ci-poem is also provided.

Keywords: Dunhuang Ci-PoemYuan Chun GuiP.2748Airs de Touen-houang by Jao Tsung-iAn Comprehensive Compilation of the Dunhuang Lyrics by Ren Bantang


中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China