庄钦永 记马六甲青云亭刚发现的两块雍正初年木牌



新跃社科大学 钦永

2015年,有学者在马六甲青云亭内发现了两块雍正初年的木牌。木牌刻文具体记录在曾应葵担任甲必丹之时,马六甲华社创建慈济宫(祭祀保生大帝)和大众祠(祭祀大众爷)之事。通过对木牌刻文的研究,本文得出以下几个结论:(1)刻文上的甲必丹曾应葵与甲必丹让,其实是同一个人。英国国家档案馆所庋藏的《约翰·史卡特尔古德档案》里音译作Chan JamquaChan Yiunqua。(2)在筹建两间庙宇时,章安官扮演着一个重要的角色。曾应葵仅是幕后推手。(3)曾应葵捐献缘银数额不是太多,仅是杨石官的一半,排名第四。(4)木牌上390人中,有38人是曾氏族人,占总数的18.42%。他们是在18世纪20年代之前从厦门曾厝垵迁居到马六甲。(5)木牌使用“龙飞”纪年,反映当时马六甲华人反清复明的政治意识。

关键词 马六甲青云亭 甲必丹曾应葵 慈济宫 保生大帝 大众祠

Remarks on Two Wooden Plates Dated 1720s Rediscovered

At the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, Malacca

David K. Y. Chng

(Singapore University of Social Sciences)

Abstract: Two wooden plates dated 1720s were rediscovered recently at the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple in Malacca, Malaysia.  The inscriptions record the religious activities during the times when Zeng Yingkui was the Captain China. Two organising committees were formed by the same four members. With donations from believers, they first built the Cijigong (Palace-Temple of Merciful Salvation) in 1726 for worshipping Baosheng Dadi (the Great Emperor Who Protects Life). In the next year, they constructed the Dazhongci (Temple of the Lord of Hordes) for worshippig the Dazhongye (Lord of Hordes). Based on the inscriptions, this essay reveals the following observations:

1The names Capitan China Zeng Yinggui and Zeng Rang appear in the wooden plates are in fact the one and the same person. His name was transliterated as Chan Jamqua or Chan Yiunqua in The John Scattergood Papers house in the National Archives, the United Kingdom. He was the son of Capitan China Zeng Qilu (1643-1718). (2) Zhang Anguan was the man organising and managing the construction work of the two temples. (3) the amounts Zeng donated for constructing two temples were not impressive in comapring with Yang Shiguan. (4) Among 390 donors there were 38 persons, consisting of 18.42%, surnamed Zeng. They migrated from Zengcuoan, a village in Xiamen situates near the northern side of the Nine Dragon River, to Malacca, in the 1720s or earlier. (5) the using of the term longfei (flying dragon) in dating when the wooden plates indicated the anti-Qing sentiment held by the Chinese in Malacca in the 1720s.

Keywords: Cheng Hoon Teng Temple (Malacca) ; Kapitan China Zeng Yingkui; Cijigong (Palace-Temple of Merciful Salvation) ; Baosheng Dadi (the Great Emperor Who Protects Life) ; Dazhongci (Temple of the Lord of Hordes)


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