关键词:英国华人 种族歧视 沉默式回避模式 反应式抗争模式 系统式预防模式
From “Evasion” ,“ Rally” to “ Prevention”: The Response Mode of British Chinese to Racial Discrimination
Xiang Wenjie
Abstract:Based on the institutional racial discrimination as the theoretical perspective, this paper discuss the specific aspects of its racial discrimination against British Chinese under the influence of internal and external environment changes, including the changes and development of discriminatory ways, content and degrees. In this way, the root causes and characteristics of racial discrimination against British Chinese in the context of a macro background can be vivid!shown. There are mainly three behaviors modes for British Chinese facing racial discriminatory: evasive silence mode, reactive rally mode, and systematic prevention mode. Due to the continuous increase of new immigrants and the growing of the new generation Chinese in the 1970s and 1980s, the British Chinese gradually turned from the evasive silence mode to the other two modes, which actually displays the historical process of the integrating ways and degree of British Chinese into local society. Additionally, it also demonstrates how the British Chinese society gradually realize constant development and become powerful
Keywords: British Chinese; Racial Discrimination; Evasive Silence Mode;Reactive Rally Mode; Systematic Prevention Mode