郑诗傧 论马来西亚国民中学新版华文教材(KSSM)的编纂情况




摘  要:2015年及2016年,马来西亚教育部分别颁布了中一及中二的《华文课程与评价标准》《华文课本编写指南》,面市的新教材简称KSSM版,在编纂过程中做了深度的思考与大胆的革新,如选文的编排以单元形式替代单一文选;选文的国别多样化;体裁多元涵盖诗歌、散文、小说、小品文、说明文等;古典诗词方面弃“名句精华”而推荐完整的古诗词;大量的彩页与插图设计;以QR码方式附上电子课件作为辅助教学;配合考试需求纳入高思维题型等等,相较旧版KBSM华文教材,可谓是一大进步,足见编纂者的用心。本文拟就教材编纂思想及体例考述新版KSSM华文教材的编纂情况,兼论其创新与得失,并在这个基础上进一步揭示新教材的特点,及我对新教材的编写提出的几点思考与建议,以供课程编委会、华文教材的使用者参卓。

关键词:马来西亚 国民中学 华文教材 KSSM 编纂

A Study of the Compilation in New Mandarin Teaching Material of National High School (KSSM)


Tey Shi Bin

Assistant Professor and Deputy Head of Department

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

New Era University College


 AbstractThe Malaysian Ministry of Education has introduced both the Document of Standards Performance and Assessment (DSKP) and the Guide to Compose Mandarin Textbooks for Form 1 and Form 2 in year 2015 and 2016 respectively. The Standard Based Curriculum for Secondary Schools (KSSM) version of new Mandarin teaching material was product of deep thoughts and audacious innovation. A few changes can be seen in the KSSM teaching material: literatures from different countries have been organized in units instead of single literature per chapter; various types of literatures have been selected including poetries, prose, novels, expository writings etc.; complete classic poems replaced “Chinese Excerpts”; numerous color pages and illustrations have been inserted; digital teaching and learning materials can be obtained by scanning QR code attached in textbook; higher-order thinking questions designed to meet the exam requirement have been included. The KSSM Mandarin teaching material is a big leap forward compared to the old version of KBSM Mandarin teaching material. This paper studies on compilation of the new KSSM Mandarin teaching material, focusing on its ideology and its structure; discusses the innovation, gains and lost of the material, and reveals the characteristics of the material on the basis of that. This paper also points out some valuable views and suggestions regarding the new material, hoping to probe new insights of the editorial board and the users of KSSM teaching material.


KeywordsNational high school, Mandarin teaching material, KSSM, compilation


中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号,华侨大学厦门校区行政研发大楼7楼      7 Floor, Main Building, Xiamen Campus, Huaqiao University. No. 668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China