关键词:槟城 浮罗山背 客家元素 原生态 旅游
Penang Balik Pulau as a Hakka Village: Between the Hakka ldentity and Tourism Development
Toh Teong Chuan
Abstract: Balik Pulau is the most concentrated area of Hakka people in Penang. This is a well-known fact. Before 1990s, Balik Pulau did not play a role as showcase for Hakka culture and customs. Beginning of 2lst century, the local Hakka elements have been noticed and highlighted. Hakka elements become the commodity to attract the tourists, By conducting oral interviews with local people and refer to writing materials, the paper attempts to examine the transformation of Hakka ecology within 20 years. Besides, the research also reconsiders the impact of such development.
Keywords: Penang; Balik Pulau; Hakka Element; Original Ecology ; Tourism